Coracle building with Mens’ Sheds

In early June, we were delighted to welcome expert boatbuilder John Wilkinson of Valkyrie Craft who delivered a coracle-building workshop with Groundwork Northern Ireland and Mens’ Sheds groups from around Belfast.

Coracles are small traditional boats suitable for one person. John took participants through each step of the build, as well as sharing the history of these fascinating watercraft, used for centuries all over the world. Alongside the practicalities of wood bending, and stitching the canvas to the frame, John also taught the men how to paddle them.

We can’t wait to see them all on the river Lagan as part of our 10,000 boat corso on Saturday 3 August!

Thanks to John, Groundwork, all the men who took part, and to our fabulous hosts at 2 Royal Avenue.

Browse the gallery below to see the coracles taking (ship) shape. All images courtesy of Catherine Devlin.