
You’ve hopefully spotted some of our stencils out and about, but if not, seek them out soon! They’ll be gone in the next downpour :(

One of the aims of our project was to draw attention to the waterways that made our city what it is today, especially that are overlooked, over-built, or overgrown.

Of the Lagan’s twelve tributaries, we selected some that flow underneath some of our most civic spaces, and highlighted them with ‘River below’.

You can find them at the Albert Clock and in Custom House Square (Farset), CS Lewis Square (Connswater), Gasworks (Blackstaff), and Botanic Gardens (Blackstaff Relief Culvert).

Thanks to Jonathan Brennan, who, as WATER WORKS artist-researcher in residence, pinpointed these routes for us. Read his blog, Streams of Consciousness, here!

We also took the opportunity to do some chalk-tagging on the Lagan Towpath, along the route of our River Celebration procession, on Saturday 3 August ;)